Student associations, meeting places, opportunities to integrate and take part in the decisions of the Faculty and the University.


The General Association of Students

The General Association of Students is the meeting place for all students of the Faculty of Gembloux. The GA has about ten committees that allow each student to participate in the life of the Association. Thanks to the voluntary work of its members, the association offers a multitude of activities and services at reduced prices: course notes, scientific books, herbaria, laboratory equipment...

MORE ABOUT the General association of students

The Landscape Architects committee

The Cercle des architectes paysagistes offers activities and exchanges throughout the year (conferences, thematic evenings...). Becoming a member is simple and completely free!

MORE ABOUT THE he Landscape Architects committee

The Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council is an official student organisation that aimed at student participation within universities. All students enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis may be members of it.

MORE ABOUT THE Student Representative Council

The International Student committee

The International Student committee is an association open to all students of the Faculty of Gembloux as well as to teaching staff. It is a meeting place for Belgian and foreign students, a place for intercultural exchanges between students from different backgrounds, but also between students and the inhabitants of Gembloux.

MORE ABOUT THE International Student committee

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