Master’s of Bioscience engineering, Sciences and Environment Technologies

Bioscience engineer in Environmental Sciences and Technologies ensures the management, preservation and rational use of renewable natural resources as well as anthropised and natural ecosystems.



During his training, the bioengineer learns to evaluate, model, exploit, manage, develop and restore natural resources and the environment, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. He or she will be a scientist prepared for the integrated analysis of complex processes at various scales and an innovator in the design of management tools and technology development.

The training is organised into courses modules, more than half of which are optional, allowing the student to personalise his or her training path. This training provides skills in soil, water, air, energy, waste, scientific methods, technology, economics, law and environmental management.

Master curriculum

Study information

Ariane Dukers

+32 (0)81 62 22 65

Passage des Déportés, 2 – 5030 Gembloux I Bâtiment 9

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