Do you want to go on a foreign journey as part of your studies in Gembloux?
Do you want to do a study trip or an internship in Gembloux?
This information will be very useful to you.

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During your studies at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, you can go abroad in a number of ways: for one or more academic stays at a partner university in Europe or elsewhere in the world, for an internship or to carry out research as part of your TFE.

For academic stays, you can spend from 5 months to 2 years (in the case of double degrees in Paris, Montpellier, Madrid and Angers) at the partner university, with full recognition of your credits earned abroad. These stays can take place at over 40 institutions, mainly in Europe but also beyond (Japan, Brazil, Quebec).

There are many possibilities for doing an internship or part of your TFE, depending mainly on your professors' contacts and your own personal efforts.

If you are a student at a foreign institution, it is also possible to carry out part of your studies (under existing bilateral agreements) or an internship at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

International Relations Office

Student/Trainee from Belgium or EU :
+32 (0)81 62 21 20

Student/Trainee from a developing country :
+32 (0)81 62 21 13

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updated on 4/4/24

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