There are people from Gembloux in Quebec City, Rebecq, Flobecq, Tahiti, Haiti, Burundi, Togo, Congo, Bamako, Madagascar, Dakar, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Brazza, Rwanda, Guyana, Guadeloupe, Senegal, Martinique, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Gabon, in New Caledonia, Tunisia, Lebanon, the New Hebrides, the Isle of Desire, Paris, the Isle of Mary Galante, Mauritius, Cameroon, France, Gérompont-Petit-Rosière, Sorinne-la-Longue, Tourinnes-la-Grosse, Jandrain-Jandrenouille; one finds Gembloutois in Pondicherry in India, in Louisiana, in Matagne in the Fagnes...

The graduates of our alma mater are from many countries but also present in many countries.

Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech has always trained agricultural engineers and bioscience engineers who have subsequently worked in their countries of origin to improve food security, conservation of natural resources, means of transport, in short, to offer improvements in the living environment of their fellow citizens.

These exchanges continue to this day, whether through the training of engineers or doctors. These exchanges are fruitful and above all reciprocal.

For our alumni who are permanently or temporarily active abroad, there is no better contact than to find other alumni in these different countries. The creation of the Amicales des Ingénieurs de Gembloux (AIGx) is proof of this and the result. To this date, 6 amicales are active abroad.

Of the 6400 living graduates, 40% were born abroad and represent 85 different nationalities. 17% of the 2450 graduates whose addresses are held by the Association of Engineers (AIGx) reside abroad in 58 different countries.


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