Forest is Life

European Conference for Tropical Ecology: Six members of the CARE Forest is Life presented their research projects.


This conference brings together researchers, scientists and experts in tropical ecology from all over the world. For the 7th edition, held in Lisbon from February 12 to 16, 2024, six members of the Cellule d'Appui à la Recherche et à l'Enseignement (CARE) Forest is Life (TERRA - GxABT) shared their work and made a significant contribution to the meeting.

Each year, the European Conference for Tropical Ecology gives its participants the opportunity to present their research topics to an international audience and to exchange views on the latest advances in the field of tropical ecology.

Six Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech researchers presented their work orally, covering a diverse range of topics related to the flora and fauna of Central African forests. Their presentations were included in four different sessions, one of which ("The seasonality of tropical forest/tree functioning" ) was co-chaired by Adeline Fayolle and Anaïs Gorel.

Presentation details:

In the session " The seasonality of tropical forest/tree functioning":

  • Adeline Fayolle - "How seasonal is tropical forest/tree functioning?"
  • Anaïs Gorel - "How tropical trees in Africa adapted to cope with seasonal drought? Exploring the phylogenetic and climatic distribution of the species leaf habit, maximum height, and wood density"
  • Marjane Kaddouri - "Tracking the seasonal rythm of tropical forests and savannas with phenocams in Lopé NP, Gabon"

In the session "Tropical Forest conservation and management under a changing climate" :

  • Noé Madingou - "Vulnerability of African tropical rainforest to projected climate change"

In the session "A spotlight on cutting-edge technologies for biodiversity monitoring in tropical ecosystems":

  • Antoine Plumacker - "Comparative Analysis of Large Tree Segmentation in the Canopy of African Tropical Forests"

In the session "Multi-trophic interactions in tropical forests and agro-forestry systems":

  • Sarah Tossens - "Impacts of carnivores on tropical forest dynamics through trophic cascades: the study case of Central African wild cats"

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