I am a research engineer in eco-hydraulics in a Walloon engineering office specialized in the renaturation of rivers and aquatic ecosystems.


Margaux Lognoul graduated from the Master Bioscience engineering in Environmental Sciences and Technologies in 2015.

At the end of her master's degree, she completed a PhD in Agronomic Sciences and Biological Engineering (2020).

In a few lines, she tells us about her career path, explains her choice of studies and gives us some memories of her student life.


Margaux's job

I am a research engineer in eco-hydraulics in a Walloon engineering office specialized in the renaturation of rivers and aquatic ecosystems.

A typical day

I am leading a research project that aims to use the results of two-dimensional hydraulic modeling to estimate the biological habitat potential of rivers. Of course there is field data collection and literature searches, but I mainly spend time with my hydraulic modeling software!

Why this choice of studies?

When I chose to study at Gembloux, I was looking for a solid scientific training that would allow me to work for the environment and the current climate situation

I succeeded in my mission, since my doctoral thesis, which followed my master's degree, was on the study of greenhouse gas exchanges by agricultural soils.

Then, I moved on to a job strongly linked to the protection of biodiversity, allowing me to develop my master's degree (Environmental Sciences and Technologies) viahydraulics andhydrology

A role to play in society

Working in the field of environmental protection and restoration, I have the chance to exercise a profession that is fully in line with my values.

As a bioengineer, I always try to popularize my work so that it is understood by as many people as possible - communication is a very important tool in environmental protection!

Memories of student life

Among the good memories, I think first of all of the traditional jump in the basin after the announcement of the results, to celebrate the success and the beginning of the vacations with a small dive followed by a good beer at the GA bar

In her second life, Margaux is an illustrator.

She is the author of this drawing through which she shares with us her vision of
the Master Bioscience engineering in Environmental Sciences and Technologies and associated professions



With this illustration, I wanted to represent the engineer in environmental sciences and technologies in front of his "playground".

The fields of work are as varied as the issues at stake: energy, environment, technology, science..

It's an exciting job withendless possibilities!

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